How does EZ-FLO Reduce Water Usage?
How does EZ-FLO Reduce Water Usage?
There have been great advances in the technology for delivering water efficiently. Everything from weather based controllers, to rain gauges to micro-spray heads to drip emitters. All these advances improve the efficiency of water delivered to the landscape–making sure the landscape gets just the right amount of water from the irrigation system.
Unlike these technologies, we don’t deliver the water, we simply help the plants to require less water. How? Water is used in the plant’s growing process. The effects of fertigation on the plant’s growth processes are twofold. If water is applied above ground (i.e. through spray heads) , the process of foliar absorption causes nutrient-rich water to reach the chlorophyll producing section of the plant directly without going through the root structure. Extensive studies have shown that foliar absorption is the most efficient way to apply the nutrients in a form that is immediately available to the plant. This comes into play when dealing with turf grass since sprinklers and spray irrigation are the predominant means to water grass.
The second growth process enhanced by fertigation occurs by increasing systemic (root) absorption of fertilizers and nutrients. Root health and root mass are critical to the health of all plants. Increasing the root mass provides more surface area in the soil which in turn increases the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients. Larger, deeper roots result in less overall need for water. The result is increased plant health and drought tolerance. With increased uptake efficiency by the plant, water usage can be reduced 20-50% using fertigation. Not only will an EZ-FLO system pay for itself, it will pay for the ongoing fertilizing costs funded through your water savings. But water savings isn’t automatic if you never adjust the watering times on your irrigation system. When implementing fertigation, you should cut back the watering time in each zone by 10%. After the second fill for the unit, cut back the water another 10%. Finally after the third fill, cut the watering time back another 5%. Further cuts can be made based on how fertile your soil becomes and if you use products that further help to trap water in the root zone.